June 2014


Princess The kindom of Sweden has a new cute princess: Leonore. She got baptist today. The sun was shining all day. I wish Princess Leonore a long and happy life. […]

”Forsa Gård”

Stora Skedvi Today the let the new pigs out. I have never seen pigs on the first day out before. In Sweden it is only 0,5 % of all pigs […]


Bull When you go through a wood you can find the most mysterius creatures.This magnificient fellow showed up. I think he was waiting to go home. It would be nice […]

White Roses

June Everything is green. Color is all around us. It is easy to get enchanted by the lanscape. Plain roses can make you smile. I like June. /Anneli

"Falu Gruva"

Falun Mine Today is the national day. This time Falu Mine was the place for my celebration. Once Falu Mine was in the centre of attention in Sweden. Now it […]

Summer Start

Bright Nights I like this time of the year when the night is bright. It is time of hope. I hope for a warm summer with a lot of sun. […]

Juno is in Roman mythology the chief goddess.


Ace Wilder The Melody Festival´s newest star came to Borlänge. Ace did an excellent sing and dance performance. She had two good dancers with her. /Anneli