More Let’s Dance
I want to see Let’s Dance!/Anneli Fors
I want to see Let’s Dance!/Anneli Fors
Congratulations India!/Anneli
Always as amazing to hear: “Se mig”./Anneli 🙂
Welcome to Dalecarlia HM King Carl XVI Gustaf and HM Queen Silvia. Nice to meet the cortege on the road. 🙂
I like all my supporters. 🙂
August is here with rain and sun.
This year it was difficult to find tickets to Rapsody in Rock, but it is lucky that artists post exclusive clips. Lill Torpet: Right now Black Jack’s start music is […]
The first real summer rain in B./Falun. Best to stay inside./Anneli 🙂
I live and the windows rattle. I hope that my friends in the Pop and Rock choir are successful at the festival Alive. 🙂