Red Roses
Here the roses are in full bloom.
Here the roses are in full bloom.
These bands play in Ludvika tonight: Bolaget, New Kid, Tjuvjakt, Loam, Fröken snusk, Frej Larsson, Myra Granberg, Millencolin and Adaam. The event is popular.
This may be the hottest summer in years.
The brightest day is always the best./Anneli 🙂
Now the Maypole has been raised and the sun is shining. Orsa fiddlers entertained. 🙂
Happy Midsummer!/Anneli
Now it’s a week until midsummer. Renovations have been going on here for a few weeks, but now I have been able to unpack my computer again. The new windows […]
Congratulagions Fors & Tofby. A nice name. 🙂
It is good thing that Mariette and Easy Kit never give up. Right now good concert at “Åfesten” in Falun.
One of the first records I got from my grandmother was with Lasse Lönndahl and Tulips from Amsterdam. He’s probably singing to the angels now./Anneli