Borlänge Yesterday I found an unusual bird in the middle of Borlänge. The bird took a rest for at least 6 hours. /Anneli
Borlänge Yesterday I found an unusual bird in the middle of Borlänge. The bird took a rest for at least 6 hours. /Anneli
Cinderella I seldom see the dawn, but this time I went to bed and got up early. It was a magical experience. Only the crew was awake. /Anneli
“Helsingfors” It is nice to have a home to rest in. Sea Life in “Helsinki” is worth a visit. Octopuses hunt in the night. In the day light the look […]
“Helsingfors” The traditional market in “Helsingfors” is worth a visit. A lot of fresh food. Strawberries from heaven! /Anneli
Waterpark A light breaking through the trees. A glimmer of hope. There are people and occasions you never will forget. I hope the sitution in Greece will be solved. /Anneli
Garden A near photo can be interesting. June is coming to an end. This is a warm weekend. /Anneli
Summer A symbol for summer is a meadow. A lot of wild flowers can be beautiful. One special flower is hard to find. I hope you all had a happy day. […]
Midsummer Flowers: In midsummer time people pick flowers and make a wish. Some traditions are nice. Finally summer!/Anneli
New Saturday we got a new princess. Today we got a new prince. Congratulation! Diggiloo Diggiley! A lot of good entertainment the last few days. /Anneli
“Gamla Byn” Sometimes you find enviroments that are as beautiful as a painting. This environment can be seen in Avesta. /Anneli