Happy New Year 2020!/Anneli
Happy New Year 2020!/Anneli
Nanne Grönvall came to Borlänge during Christmas Day. She rocked! Her energy leaves no one uneffected. Nanne delivered a lot of hits. It is easy to get jealous of her […]
Congratulation to the nomination to this years scene: ”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”. It would be nice to see Magnus Carlsson perform in the musical The Greatest Showman./Anneli
The nominations to a Grammis has been announced. One of them is Magnus Carlsson/”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”.The picture is photograped in Enköping. /Anneli
Today the tickets to ”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan” was released. A third season is waiting. This is a photo from ”Änglarnas Tid”/Time of the Angels in Enköping./Anneli
”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”: Only a complete artist can make a show sparkle. Magnus Carlsson has it all singing, dancing and showmanship. In his show he also has four […]
”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”: Magnus Carlsson was a part of Alcazar before he began his solo career. The group had great success in Europé. This is a photo from […]
”Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”: I visited the last perfomance at Circus in Stockholm. The show had a higher speed and was more compact than the first time I visited […]
“Från Barbados till Gamla Stan”:The success all started with a lot of Barbados hits. Magnus fantastic voice catched the Swedish audience. Wonderful to hear all the good music again. /Anneli
This spring Confetti filmed us at Sinclairs. They inteviewed the owners. The Trade & Industry Agency now has put it on their website: Dance Class. /Anneli