Bison Park
Avesta: Some turist destinations are worth visiting more than once./Anneli
Avesta: Some turist destinations are worth visiting more than once./Anneli
Falun Mine: The Falun Copper Mine is part of the history of Sweden. Crown Princess Victoria is one of the visitors. I hope she will come back./Anneli
Congratulations! Happy Birthday Prince Oscar!/Anneli
Congratulations! Happy Birthday Princess Estelle! I hope that Princess Leonore also enjoyed her birthday. I wish both the best./Anneli
The view in Ludvika is wonderful!./Anneli
Goodby Winter! The cold days are gone! Spring is here!/Anneli
I am ready for the music party. The Melody Festival, part one begins soon. 🙂
Kupolen has a bear as a mascot./Anneli
There is a exhibition going in in Kupolen about the history of the building. Jan Forsstedt is the producer. A lot of artists performed in the arena. I hope for […]
Soon valentines day! I hope that the covid-19 pandemic is soon over. /Anneli