Kristian Anttila signed autographs

kristian_anttilla_peace_love_anneli_fors.jpgWhat good memories do the festival visitors take with them when they leave Borlä¤nge. I remember that Kristian Anttila had the longest screaming autograph queue. Kristian Anttila looked as he had the time of his life. See a picture of Kristian Anttila signing autographs to the left.

I remember the music magazine the Groove and Kupolen that arranged activities in day time for the bored festival visitors for free. The Groove let people meet there idols and Kupolen arranged concerts.

One thing that Peace & Love is famous for is its great design. I got curious and went out to find the some answers who has made it and found it in a bookshop. The firm that has made the design is called: Höglund Design and is located to Borlänge. In specific it is Andreas Höglund and Henrik Strömberg.

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