
How to succed in Hollywood

How do you succed in the tough film business.? Here is the the answer: During the video festival in Falun I took part of a seminar in Falun with some […]

Martin Hunter

Who could imagine that Stanley Kubrick’s editor would move to Falun and hold a seminar in the house of media in the same town and I would have the opportunity […]

Venture Cup in the Blue Hall

The town hall in Stockholm is known for the Nobel festivities, but is also the place were the Venture Cup takes place. The ceremony was opened by the opera singer […]

The 30th April

I celebrated the 30th of April on a mountain. The view over the whole town was outstanding. Fires and fireworks all over town was part of the view. Eat grilled food and […]

EMD: Baby Goodbye

The 26th of April EMD performed in Kupolen in front of a screaming crowed. This time all the three members were present. Last time they were only two. EMD sang […]

The photo weeks

The opening of the photo weeks at the Future Museum the 7th of April this year was a well visited event. The municipal commissioner Nils Persson opened the event. Fornby […]

The winner: Let's Dance 2009

Tonight we got the result from Let’s Dance. The winners are Magnus and Annika. Congratulation! The couples that did not reach the final returned to Let’s Dance and gave one […]

Let's Dance in Kista

This evening the big fight between Laila and Magnus takes part. Kista is most known for high technology, but this spring it has also got a lot of attention because […]

Måns Zelmerlöw on tour

Måns Zelmerlöw did a sophisticated performance when he was the third person to enter the stage when the Swedish Eurovision Song Contest tour visited Borlänge. Måns Zelmerlöw was companioned by the […]

Sarah Dawn Finer: Moving On

Molly Sandén, Sarah Dawn Finer, Måns Zelmerlöf and Caroline af Ugglas performed at Kupolen today. Molly Sandén began the Swedish Eurovision Song Contest tour. Sarah Dawn Finer sang the song […]