Avesta Art In the darkness there is always light. Some art is simple, but beautiful. I wonder what they will come up with next time. /Anneli
Avesta Art In the darkness there is always light. Some art is simple, but beautiful. I wonder what they will come up with next time. /Anneli
Avesta Art: Bea Szenfeld is an artist, fashion designer that has worked with Björk and Lady Gaga. Now her work can be seen at Avesta Art. This year the exhibition […]
Apple A symbol for of visdom and knowledge. The first few days without winter jacket. I simple symbol can have a lot of power. /Anneli
Brazil Jack I looked at circus Brazil Jack today. It was a show full of action. A lot beautiful horses, a few lamas and some cute dogs. /Anneli
Let’s Dance Winner: Congratulation Ingemar Stenmark! Ricky Martin and Britt Ekland as supporters. Good Let´s Dance finale! /Anneli
Jordskott The last episode of Jordskott was just broadcasted tonight. Other countries have bought the drama. It was an interesting end. Many ask for a follow-up. /Anneli
Traditional Market Right now it is a traditional market going on in Borlänge. In the library you can see a Mumin exhibition. The weather is cold, but the sun is […]
Kista Swedens Silicion Vally is in Kista. Victoria Tower is one of the main attraction in the science city. A lot of Sweden’s development happens here. /Anneli
e-commerce Another issue that was frequently discussed was online payment solutions. There are a lot actors right now, but when choosing you should look to how will still be there in 20 […]
Melody Festival Saturday it was a lot of smoke, fire and lights. The Melody Festival is worth seeing also for the special effects. /Anneli