Christmas Shop
Helsinki The Christmas Shop in ”Helsinki” is famous. It is possible to buy Christmas things all year, even in the summer. It is always a nice place to visit.
Helsinki The Christmas Shop in ”Helsinki” is famous. It is possible to buy Christmas things all year, even in the summer. It is always a nice place to visit.
”Stadsmusem” This odd wall is outside the city museum. Helsinki is full of surprises. The city is worth a visit even in winter time. /Anneli
”Helsinki” It is nice to visit a museum sometimes. The city museum is no exception. This museum is situated not far from St Nicholas’ Church. /Anneli
Diffrent Signs The warning signs are many in our society. The messages are different. You never now what you will find behind the signs. /Anneli
Valentine’s Day Today I found a heart in the snow. I hope that you all have enjoyed the day. It is important to be a kind person. /Anneli
Traditional Market Before Christmas I visited a traditional Christmas market in Avesta. An old industrial building has turned into an art gallery. /Anneli
Mats Mats Rådberg is a well known country singer, composer and architect. He performed with Rankarna. In Borlänge he is known for the original design of Kupolen. ”Den Vita Duvan” […]
Pumpkin Halloween is soon coming up. It is a lot of pumkins this time of year. Saturday was sunny, but cold. /Anneli
Cinderella Magnus Carlsson & big band is a special event. Magnus both sang his own and other hits. ”Se Mig”/See Me is a great song. /Anneli
Avesta Wood In the central Avesta it is near to the nature. Idea: Think nice thoughts. Be a good person. Believe in positive thoughts. Try to make the world better! […]