Christmas Night This must be the most impressive dress of the show. The effects does not make it less. This is what a good Christmas show should be all about. […]
Christmas Night This must be the most impressive dress of the show. The effects does not make it less. This is what a good Christmas show should be all about. […]
Christmas Night Magnus Carlsson & Jessica Andersson has a new album out: Once Upon a Christmas Night. Gabriel Forss is also apart of the CD. ”Stilla Vänta”” has already had […]
Christmas Night The light effects in this show are many. Fog and snow effects even reaches the audience. The light technician can be proud. /Anneli
Rogue One It is nice to see a movie just before Christmas. This evening I went to see Rogue One. Interesting with animated humans. Princess Leia is back! /Anneli
Presents In Christmas time it is important to reach out a hand to help. This year I decided to give presents to children in Polen. The country has a lot […]
The way we sing musicals The concert took place in Lugnet Church in Falun. We sang everything from Fame to Phathom of the Opera. Rock of Ages was also a […]
The way we sing musicals Yesterday it was more than 600 in the audience. In the end we got standing ovations. Thank you all! /Anneli
Sunday A warm fire was appreciated by the visitors. A lot of firemen in town centre. Everybody was safe. /Anneli
Sunday Gustav Norén performed today in a new gallery. It was an unusal and interesting music experience that made people stop to listen. /Anneli
Christmas Today the town centre was filled with light and Christmas music. A few shops was open. The feeling of Christmas is always nice. /Anneli