Hitachi: A symbol of the future./Anneli
Hitachi: A symbol of the future./Anneli
Hitachi: Japanese tradition is now part of Ludvika. A quiet moment is important./Anneli
There is a exhibition going in in Kupolen about the history of the building. Jan Forsstedt is the producer. A lot of artists performed in the arena. I hope for […]
Soon valentines day! I hope that the covid-19 pandemic is soon over. /Anneli
Dala Horse! Not the Trojan Horse! 🙂
A nice view of Borlänge. There will be better times. I hope the pandemic is over soon. Distance: A Advent Concert can make the Day. Click on the headline to […]
Sculpture: A ice sculpture can make people happy./Anneli
Borlänge: A Dalecarlian horse can have diffrent shapes./Anneli
Borlänge: New McDonald’s!/Anneli
Borlänge: A ice horse came to town!/Anneli