ChairThe year 2009 has soon come to an end. Dancers around the world mourn the two icons Micheal Jackson and Patric Swayze that died this year. I was proud to be a part of the Stockholm tribute to Micheal Jackson. This summer another icon, Madonna visited Gothenburg and Sweden.

The two Swedish princesses Victoria and Madeleine announced their engagement to Daniel and Jonas. We all wait to see the design of the wedding dresses. Congratulations!

2009 was the year when vampires got in the spotlight of media: Twillight and True Blood. When I worked in Solna with film in 2001 Alexander Skarsgård was often seen on commuter train. Skardsgård is on his way to Hollywood fame. Good work!

In the end of the year Magnus Carlsson did a singing statement for modern dance music in the dance band competition: Well done!

In 2009 Barack Obama gave the world hope for a better world and got the Nobel Prize. Now we all wait for more Peace.

I thank all readers of this site for this year and hope to see you again next year.

A Happy New Year!

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