Jill Johnson

Jill Johnson has released a new album: Music Row II. A few weeks ago she visited Borlänge and Kupolen. She was happy and sang songs from her favorite artists. Jill […]


A few weeks ago they demolished a house in the inner city of Borlänge. I photographed the process. It will be intersting to see how the new house will look […]

Idol: Eddie

Today the Swedish idol Eddie Razaz and Karolina made a short visit to Borlänge. The train was late, so the audience had to wait. The performance was short. There only two […]

Twinflower band

Twinflower band played at Peace & Love Café in Borlänge this evening. They got a lot of applause and people wanted to hear them again when the consert was over. […]

Magnus tribute to Michael Jackson

Many inhabitants leave Borlänge and Peace & Love to attend the calmer Ludvika Festival. Magnus Carlsson perfomed. He was cheered by the audience. In the end of the concert Magnus […]

The official Bounce movie from the Beat It tribute to Michael Jackson is now out. The movie is called  A dance tribute to Michael Jackson Stockholm. When Michael Jackson died […]

Training for the Beat It tribute in Stockholm The 8th of July 300 people and I (Anneli Fors) made a Michael Jackson, “Beat It” tribute in Stockholm. When all the […]

Yesterday Bounce, me and 300 other dancers did a tribute to Michael Jackson in the inner city of Stockholm. We performed at Sergelstorg, the Central station and Stureplan. We did […]

Michael Jackson the King of Pop

On Friday night I was reached by the message that Micheal Jackson is dead. When he died the world stood still. Michael Jackson had all the sing and dance talent […]

Forum days at Peace & Love

There are many workshops at Peace & Love. Monday I attended one in how to be a DJ. I got to know everything about cue and pitch by Playsister from […]