Veni Vidi Vici
Veni Vidi Vici has got its first T-shirt. I got help wih printing from the National Road administration under the Sugarplum Fairy concert outside Pylonen a few day ago. The […]
Veni Vidi Vici has got its first T-shirt. I got help wih printing from the National Road administration under the Sugarplum Fairy concert outside Pylonen a few day ago. The […]
The festival visitors have left the town and the red lights are taken down. Jason Mraz were the most played hit on the streets of Borlänge. Last year he was […]
At the shopping centre Kupolen: Rootvälta, Afai & Flith and Film on Four performed yesterday. Rootvälta said: playing at Peace & Love was a dream come true. Bands like Sugarplum […]
This is the last official day of Peace and Love. The bands that are playing today are Sugarplum Fairy, Stone Cake, Rootvälta, Adam Tensta, Teddy Bears and WASP. The picture […]
On the Peace & Love festival today Miss Li, Takida, Kristian Antilla, Hellecopters and Sexpistols are performing. The last mentioned are the big tabloid name this year. The group still sells […]
La Puma, Anna Feeney, Stefan Sundström and the Little Marbles were performing on the Kupolen stage today. The little Marbeles seem to be upcoming stars. The will soon have a […]
The fourth day of the Peace & Love festival the bands began to play. Today there were concerts with Amanda Jenssen, Mando Diao, The Hives and Miss Lee. In the […]
Veni Vidi Vici got an interview with Caroline Petersson, one of the founders of Camino who made an exclusive visit to Borlänge in Connection to Peace & Love festival. Camino […]
Adam Tensta and Sugarplum Fairy performed today in front of Pylonen. The national road administration had arranged the day and the theme was to make people drive more safely. For […]
The second day of Peace & Love was about happiness, goals and how to accomplish them, and how people behave when they meet each other. Tuesday the man that discovered […]